Our Artisan Contractors General Liability insurance program has been running just over a year and we’re excited to share some of the results:
Insurance for an anytime, anywhere world.
Ecosystems will generate $60 trillion in revenue by 2025—which will constitute 30 percent of global sales in that year, according to McKinsey. This rise of ecosystems and digital platforms offers carriers an opportunity to take on new roles and new sources of revenue. The future of distributed insurance is embedded, and we understand that insurers struggle…
Insurance for an anytime, anywhere world.
Ecosystems will generate $60 trillion in revenue by 2025—which will constitute 30 percent of global sales in that year, according to McKinsey. This rise of ecosystems and digital platforms offers carriers an opportunity to take on new roles and new sources of revenue. The future of distributed insurance is embedded, and we understand that insurers struggle…